Home hearing
test appointments
Book a free home hearing test appointment.
While we have outlets all over South Wales and the South West of the UK, we know that it may not always be practical, or even possible, for everybody to get to their nearest hearing test centre. This is particularly true of our elderly patients or for people in places with infrequent public transport links.
With this in mind, we can come and visit you directly. Our hearing specialists can conduct a full – and completely free – hearing assessment from the comfort of your own home. We offer convenient home hearing tests throughout South Wales, including Swansea and surrounding areas.
Book a free home hearing test appointment.
While we have outlets all over South Wales and the South West of the UK, we know that it may not always be practical or even possible, for everybody to get to their nearest hearing test centre. This is particularly true of our elderly patients or for people in places with infrequent public transport links.
With this in mind, we can come and visit you directly. Our hearing specialists can conduct a full – and completely free hearing assessment from the comfort of your own home.
The consultation
The consultation will be comprehensive, non-invasive and use the latest audiometer equipment to measure the sensitivity that your ears have to different sounds and frequencies. From those results, we will make an impartial evaluation and suggest the best way to improve your hearing, and ultimately, quality of life.
This may be something as simple as earwax removal, or perhaps a recommendation for the use of a hearing aid. Modern digital hearing aids are almost unrecognisable from the bulky old-fashioned models, with most styles hidden comfortably and unobtrusively at the entrance to outer part of your ear canal.
Our professional team of expert audiologists have a combined total of 40 years of experience diagnosing and dealing with all kinds of hearing loss issues. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on our simple advice, honest information and strong levels of aftercare.
Book your home visit
We are based in Newport, but conduct hearing health checks on home visits across the whole of South Wales and South West England. We also have screening centres in Bristol, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire and Somerset.
If you suspect that you are part of the 1 in 6 adults in the country with some form of hearing loss, then book an appointment with us online today.
Get in touch to arrange your totally free home hearing test.
Email: info@diamondhearingservices.co.uk
Richard Walsh: 07971 876 627
Contact us
Book an
To book your appointment, use the form here or call us today on:
Richard Walsh: 07971 876 627
Book an appointment
To book your appointment, use the form here or call us today on:
Richard Walsh: 07971 876 627
What do our customers say?
South Wales
Drop-in hearing
clinic locations
We have dozens of drop-in centres throughout South Wales and the South West of England. In fact, for the ultimate in convenience, we can even give detailed demonstrations of our digital aids free of charge for you from the comfort of your home.
These hearing health checks typically take less than an hour with the consultation checking all aspects of your inner ears and potentially diagnosing any problems which are contributing to a loss of hearing.
Contact us
Drop-in hearing
clinic locations
These hearing health checks typically take less than an hour, with the consultation checking all aspects of your inner ears and potentially diagnosing any problems which are contributing to a loss of hearing.
South Wales
Home hearing test appointments
Schedule your free hearing tests at home with a visit from your local Diamond Hearing healthcare professional. This professional hearing evaluation is the first crucial step to take if you suspect you have hearing loss.
Our hearing test process:
Conducted by trained professionals from our audiology team.
A painless and non-invasive diagnostic test.
Identifies the range of sound frequencies you can detect.
Uses modern video microscopy to examine the inner ear.

Hearing aids
We offer a wide range of digital hearing aids, tailored to your needs. Our selection includes comfortable behind-the-ear models and discreet in-the-canal devices. Our specialists will help you find the right fit based on your hearing test results and lifestyle needs.
Why choose our hearing aids?
- Advanced digital hearing aid technology.
- Free demonstrations in the comfort of your home.
- 60-day money-back guarantee.
- Up to five years of warranty.
- Ongoing support and aftercare from our audiology service.
Hearing aids
Drop-in hearing clinics
Schedule free hearing tests at home with a visit from your local Diamond healthcare professional. These professional hearing evaluations are the first crucial step to take if you suspect you have hearing loss.
Drop-in hearing clinics

Earwax removal
Many hearing issues are caused by impacted wax and the painless removal of it can help enormously. Left untreated, excess earwax can lead to discomfort, reduced hearing ability and even infections. Our professional earwax removal services not only improve your hearing but also ensure your ears stay healthy and free from blockages.
Benefits of earwax removal:
- Immediate improvement in hearing clarity.
- Reduces the risk of infections.
- Prevents blockages that may cause discomfort.
Earwax removal
Where do you give home hearing tests?
If mobility or transport issues mean you can’t reach one of our clinics, our audiologists can come straight to your door.
This includes places where we don’t have branches, taking in the whole of South West England, South and Mid Wales, and as far north as Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire.
Just fill in the form below to arrange a home visit.
How much do your consultations cost?
Absolutely nothing.
Our home hearing tests are free but if you need a hearing aid, we offer full impartial advice on the most suitable equipment to help your hearing loss.
If your issue requires further treatment, we can refer you to an ENT specialist.
How do I know if I’m losing my hearing?
Classic signs to look for include:
- often asking people to repeat themselves
- having the volume on the TV or radio louder than you used to
- having difficulty hearing conversations over background noise
If you lose your hearing suddenly, it’s best to check with a doctor first before booking a test.
What causes hearing loss?
Hearing loss is a symptom of many different issues, so it’s our job to assess what’s causing it.
In lots of cases, it’s often something as simple as a build-up of earwax, and its removal should clear the path down your ear canal to your eardrum.
As we age, wear and tear can take place with our ears just as it can with any other part of the body. However, there are some contributing risk factors to look out for, including:
- if you work (or worked) in a noisy environment
- noisy hobbies, such as concerts or riding motorbikes
- age-related hearing loss may be genetic
If you need a hearing aid, modern models are much more discreet than their old NHS forebears.
Where do you give home hearing tests?
If mobility or transport issues mean you can’t reach one of our clinics, our audiologists can come straight to your door.
This includes places where we don’t have branches, taking in the whole of South West England, South and Mid Wales, and as far north as Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Shropshire.
Just fill in the form below to arrange a home visit.
How much do your consultations cost?
Absolutely nothing.
Our home hearing tests are free, but if you need a hearing aid, we offer full impartial advice on the most suitable equipment to help your hearing loss.
If your issue requires further treatment, we can refer you to an ENT specialist.
How do I know if I’m losing my hearing?
Classic signs to look for include:
- often asking people to repeat themselves
- having the volume on the TV or radio louder than you used to
- having difficulty hearing conversations over background noise
If you lose your hearing suddenly, it’s best to check with a doctor first before booking a test.
What causes hearing loss?
Hearing loss is a symptom of many different issues, so it’s our job to assess what’s causing it.
In lots of cases, it’s often something as simple as a build-up of earwax, and its removal should clear the path down your ear canal to your eardrum.
As we age, wear and tear can take place with our ears just as it can with any other part of the body. However, there are some contributing risk factors to look out for, including:
- if you work (or worked) in a noisy environment
- noisy hobbies, such as concerts or riding motorbikes
- age-related hearing loss may be genetic
If you need a hearing aid, modern models are much more discreet than their old NHS forebears.